Customization of pages view (Projects and Activity Reports)
Certain pages of the LittleBig Connection platform offer you a general view of the different elements that are created within your account in the form of grids. To help you have a more targeted perspective of the scope of your work, we offer the option of customizing your view on the pages Projects and Activity Reports (AR). Let's see in this article what the default setting is and how to customize it.
Within this article
LittleBig grids default setup
With the default setup, the number of rows and columns displayed will depend on the role of each user:
- Consultant users can visualize only the projects and ARs on which they are assigned as such
- Business managers can visualize the projects and ARs on which they are assigned as such
- Company Directors can visualize all the projects and ARs of the company account
On the other hand, you may need to identify more easily certain information first. This is why each user can create and save a customized view.
Customize your view
The three steps described below are cumulative, and they can be followed in any order, to set up a customized view.
- Choose the columns you wish to add to your display
- Order the columns according to your needs
- Add any filters necessary
Choose the columns you wish to add to your display
From the sidebar on the right, click on Columns to access a list of all the columns that can be displayed on the grid.
Check or uncheck the box next to each one of them to respectively display or hide them on the grid.
Order the columns according to your needs
You can re-order the columns directly from the column headers on the grid, by drag and drop.
Add any filters necessary
Directly from the column headers on the grid, or from the sidebar by clicking on Filters, you can filter the values displayed, depending on the options available on each column header.
Save a customized view
From the settings icon on the right, you can click on Save the setup to have this new view displayed by default.
To go back to the setup by default, you will only need to click again on the setting icon and click on Default setup.