Company account rejected: reasons and solutions
When you create a Company account on LittleBig, our Support team must verify the information and validate the creation. If you receive a notification that the company account has not been validated, it may be because you are not the company legal representative. In this case, let's see in this article how to proceed.
Within this article
- You are not a company legal representative: obtain a delegation of authority to sign the Master agreement
- Error on the company identification number or billing details
You are not a company legal representative: obtain a delegation of authority to sign the Master agreement
Only company legal representatives have the right to sign the Master service agreement directly on the platform. If you are not one of them, it may be the reason your company account has been rejected.
In this case, it is possible that one of the company legal representative delegate you the right to sign the contract so that our Support team validate your company account.
To do so:
- Click on the notification that the company account has been refused or :
- Go to the Company tab and click on Company settings
- Click on the Master agreement tab
- On the page that appears, check the I am not a corporate officer of the company box
- Scroll down to the section Authorization and validation of the contract. You will be able to enter the name of the company legal representative and then download the delegation of authority template with their name by clicking on Download
- Once the delegation is completed and signed by the representative, you can upload it on the platform by clicking on Choose File
- Finally, check the boxes I have read the Agreement and I accept the terms of the contract, then click on Save
The Support team will be notified and may check your company account again for validation.
Error on the company identification number or billing details
Your company account may also have been rejected because the identification number you entered is incorrect. For each company, our Support team checks this number. If they can't find it, the account is rejected. This is often due to a typing error, and you simply need to contact our Support team to correct the number.
Finally, validation may not be possible if your billing details are missing or incorrect, as this information is required to generate your invoices. To fill in or correct this data :
- Go to the Company tab and click on Settings
- Click on the Invoicing tab
- Enter your company name and address in the Billing details section
- Click on Save at the bottom of the page
Finally, go to the Master agreement tab to sign again the contract so that the Support team can then validate your company.