Add a collaborator or a candidate file when responding to an RFP
When you respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP), you can propose the profile of one of your Consultants already present on the platform, or create a new profile or candidate file if the Consultant does not have an account yet. Let's see in this article how to do in this second case, if your Consultant does not have an account on LittleBig.
Within this article
Usefulness of the Candidate file
The candidate file is available to you when you wish to respond to an RFP without having to create a LittleBig account for your Consultant right away or without mentioning their identity.
Adding a new Consultant or Candidate file to a proposal
When you are responding to an RFP, scroll down to the Select a consultant or a candidate file section, then :
- Click on Add employees
- In the window that will appear, use the tabs to choose whether you want to add an associate collaborator, i.e. create an account for one of your Consultant, or a Candidate file
- For an associate collaborator, you just have to indicate at least their name, surname, email address and their role on the LittleBig platform (the Consultant role is checked by default)
- For a candidate file, import the Consultant's resume (CV) in PDF format and give a title to this document
3. Finalize the addition by clicking on Create account(s) at the bottom of the window