The OP Homepage - Support to decision making
Users with the role of Operational Manager have a key role in the managing of professional services and being able to timely take action is crucial in order to carry to term key actions such as easily finding and selecting a proposal, validating Activity Reports or renewing projects.
Within this article
About the homepage
To better respond to the need for operationals to have greater visibility and monitoring of their scope of work, a dedicated home page is available solely for Operational users, reuniting an overview of their activities as well as lists of key pending actions, enabling a quick follow up and actioning of their pending tasks.
The page has the following elements:
- The main section on the left, contains the list of pending actions
- Pending Activity Reports
- New proposals received
- Pending renewals
- On the right, there is a blue button, a short-cut allowing you to create a new Request for Proposals (RFP) and a general overview of your scope
General overview section
The General overview section shows you the main elements of your scope:
- Open RFPs: the number of open RFPs for which you are the Operational manager. You can have access to your RFPs by clicking on RFP list
- Ongoing projects: the number of ongoing projects for which you are the Operational manager. You can have access to your projects by clicking on Projects list
Pending actions section
The Pending actions section is composed of a few subsections: activity reports, new proposals received and pending renewals.
Activity Report subsection
In the Activity Report (AR) subsection, you will see all the AR for which you are the Operational manager and that are awaiting your validation. You will be able to take action on them directly from the homepage, saving you precious time.
The ARs will be displayed in a table with the following columns:
Activity Report ID
Supplier: name of the Consultant and name of the project
Supplier company name
Month: month and year of the AR. Can be sorted by ascending or descending chronological order
Work unit: number of working unit (WU) submitted by the supplier in the AR
Total invoiced amount
Actions: enables you to validate or reject an AR and to view any expenses, regularization, and overtime (please see details below)
If the AR doesn't have any additional fees documents to be checked nor premium feature (daily fees, custom fields and project breakdown), you will be able to validate it or reject it directly from the homepage, by clicking respectively on the green or red button in the Actions column.
By clicking on the green button, a validation pop-in will appear, where you can check the AR info and confirm your choice by clicking on Validate the Activity Report. The line will then disappear from the homepage table, as it isn't a pending action anymore.
By clicking on the red button, a pop-in will appear where you can check the info of the AR and confirm your rejection by clicking on Reject the Activity Report. The line will then disappear from the table since the action was already taken.
On the other hand, if you need to check fees, documents or premium features (daily fees, project breakdown and custom fields) you will see a blue button. By clicking on it, you will be redirected to the AR page in order to check all the elements and validate or reject it.
New proposals subsection
Within this section will be displayed first Requests for Proposals (RFP-XXX-1) for which you are the operational manager and for which no proposal has been selected yet, requiring immediate action.
The RFPs will be displayed in a table with the following columns:
- RFP ID: RFP ID number and title
- Estimated start date: start date and creation date below
- Unread proposals: number of new proposals, out of total number of proposals received
- Interesting proposals: number of proposals qualified as interesting
- Actions: button to redirect you to the RFP proposals, in a new tab
You will be able to click on individual proposals to deep dive on the details, and review the budget, timelines or any additional documents provided by the suppliers or freelancers.
This side-by-side positioning of the proposals, will be greatly valuable at the time to evaluate and compare them, helping you make informed decisions.
Project renewals subsection
Within this section, the projects displayed will be all the projects open to renewal until a decision has been made (renewal or not) for which no action as yet been taken.
Thanks to this, you will have visibility on projects open for renewals so that you can anticipate the workload and renew them on time, or confirm they are ending.
- Project ID
- Supplier: Consultant name and project title
- Company: supplier company name
- Days remaining: Number of days until or since the end of the project
- Price per unit: price per working unit and currency of the project
- Green button: by clicking on this, you will be able to renew the project. For a Time and materials project, it will open a popin with a clear and simplified selection of renewal settings ; for a Fixed price project, it will open the renewal RFP form. Once the renewal request is sent, the project won't appear on the homepage anymore after refreshing it.
- Red button: by clicking on this, you will be able to indicate that the project is ending on the agreed date. Then, you can confirm this in the popin that will appear. Once this is confirmed, the project won't appear on the homepage anymore.