Attach files to suppliers proposals - Update note 11.39 (February)
This update to the LittleBig Connection platform includes the possibility for clients to attach a document to a supplier proposal and use API to retrieve it in their internal tools.
Within this article
Enhanced proposal management with attachment capabilities
To streamline your workflow and enhance collaboration, client users who have access to proposals can now add attachments at various stages of the proposal qualification workflow (selection, approval, and appointment).
Thanks to this, you ensure that you have all necessary information in one place and easily accessible by all stakeholders, on LittleBig Connection platform and your internal tools, without additional effort.
This update will soon be followed by improvements allowing suppliers to add attachments in their proposals as well, to make some documents available to you.
Adding attachments to a supplier proposal
When reviewing a proposal, if it is relevant for your project and you click on Select, you will now find a new section entitled Attachments at the bottom of the selection form.
To upload files, you can click on the Add document button or use the drag and drop area. You will be able to upload a maximum of 5 files (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, or .csv), each up to 5MB in size.
Once they are uploaded, you will see the following information for each:
- Document type (icon)
- Document name
- Date of upload
- Uploader's name
For each file, you then need to specify the document category from a set of predefined options, enhancing the organization and retrieval of documents:
- Technical and financial documentation
- Skills matrix
- Charter and legal document
- Other
You can then confirm your selection with the attached documents, by clicking on Send selection to buyer.
Viewing and managing attachments
Once files are uploaded, it can be opened in a new tab (or downloaded, depending on the format) by clicking on the file name.
If files have been attached to a proposal by the operational manager, they will be visible to the buyer (if a workflow is applicable) who will be able to update, add or remove files as well.
Retrieving attachments in your internal tools
Thanks to the corresponding API, you will be able to retrieve the list of attachments for a specific proposal and download the files. To do so, the API process needs to be updated with this information. All the updated API documentation to implement it, is available here.