Update note - Version 11.10 (November)
This update to the LittleBig Connection platform concerns the revamp of the Invoices page in the Supplier universe (service provider and freelancer).
Within this article
New Invoices page
The invoice page to which you access by clicking on the Activity Report/invoice tab and then on Invoices, has been revamped to offer you a clearer view of the payments of your projects.
On the page, you can now have up to three tabs:
- Invoices Connect (former Invoices issued for LittleBig): your invoices for projects for which LittleBig Connection is a contractual intermediary
- Invoices Rise (new tab): your invoices linked to your usage of the platform for the management of your Rise projects (direct contract with the client)
- Invoices Rise - Archives (former Invoices issues to my direct clients): your former monthly invoices for your Rise projects. As you are in direct relationship with your client, this option is not available anymore and you can manage your monthly invoices directly with your client.
For IT companies, access rights remain unchanged. It means that on this new page, Directors will have full visibility and action on the all invoices whereas Business managers will only see the invoices of their projects and not the View the invoicing settings button. Consultants can't access the page.
Tab Invoices Connect
In this grid, you will see all the invoices and credit notes related to your Connect projects, displayed by creation date of the invoice (newest at the top).
Below is the information displayed in the different columns:
- Invoice status: all information about the existing status and their meaning is available in this article
- Invoice number: by clicking on the invoice number, a new tab will open with the invoice as a PDF
- Amount excl. tax: amount billed on the invoice excluding taxes
- Billed period: month and year of the project
- Consultant: consultant who carried out the project invoiced
And at the end of each invoice line, you have a button enabling you to download the invoice in PDF format.
Upload your invoice
To streamline the process of uploading your invoice, we have come up with some enhancements. From now on, to upload your invoice on the platform:
- Go to the Activity reports/Invoice tab and click on Invoices
- Make sure you are in the Invoices Connect tab
- Each line with an Upload button on the right signifies that you need to upload the corresponding invoice (or that it is being validated)
- On the panel that will appear after clicking on Upload, please check that the information displayed is correct (no more fields to fill in) and if so check the box I confirm the accuracy of the information to confirm it
5. Click on Upload a file and find the corresponding file on your laptop. The document needs to be in PDF format and less than 10Mo
6. Finally, you can confirm and click on Upload an invoice
Tab Invoices Rise
In this grid, you will see all your the invoices and credit notes related to the Rise offer, i.e. your use of the platform to manage your projects with your direct clients. Invoices are displayed by creation date (newest at the top).
Below is the information displayed in the different columns:
- Document type:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Invoice number: by clicking on the invoice number, you will open the PDF document in a new tab
- Due date: date by which the invoice must be paid
- Amount excl tax: amount billed on the invoice excluding taxes
- Amount incl. tax: amount billed on the invoice including taxes
- Billed period: quarter and year of the invoice (for Rise offer, invoices are issues quarterly)
Tab Invoices Rise - Archives
You will only see this tab if you had Rise projects before mid 2021. It contains the archives of monthly invoices that were generated by the platform before this date. As this option is no longer available since, there will be no new documents in this tab, and invoicing for Rise projects is carried out directly between you and your clients.
Below is the information displayed in the different columns:
- Invoice number: by clicking on the invoice number, you will open the PDF document in a new tab
- Amount incl. tax: amount billed on the invoice, including taxes
- Billed period: month and year of the project
- Consultant: first and last name of the consultant on the project
- Invoiced project: title of the project
- Final client: client company of the project