Modify or cancel a proposal
Once you have positioned yourself on one or more Requests for Proposals (RFPs), you can modify your proposals. In this article, we will look at the different actions you can take.
Within this article
Modify a proposal
Once your proposal has been sent, you can modify the information if necessary, but only if it has not yet been validated by the client (status Appointed).
To change your proposal:
- Go to the RFPs tab and click on My marketplace RFPs
- In the Active RFP tab, scroll down to the proposal in question, then open the action menu and click on View proposal details
- On the page that will appear, open the action menu in the top right and click on Edit this application
- On your proposal page, you can modify:
- The sale pitch
- Your availability
- The amount of daily fees (if applicable)
Cancel a proposal
If necessary, you can also cancel one of your proposals as long as it has not been validated by the client (status Appointed). To do so:
- Go to the RFPs tab and click on My marketplace RFPs
- In the Active RFP tab, scroll down to the proposal in question, then open the action menu and click on Cancel the proposal
- In the window that will appear, choose the reason for cancelling your proposal from the options provided:
- You started another project via LittleBig Connection
- You have started another project with a preferred Client
- Other (please specify)
- Click on Confirm
The status of your proposal will then change to Cancelled. It will remain in the Active RFP tab for as long as the RFP is open, and will be moved to the Lost RFP tab once the RFP is closed.
The client is informed by email and via a notification on the platform.