Manage the daily fees of a project
In case of a Time and materials project, your Client may wish to cover all or part of the daily expenses (lunches, travels, equipment rental, etc.) incurred by their suppliers with an active project in the company. To do so, they can activate the daily fees option. This article explains how you will be able to use this feature when activated by your Client.
Within this article
Definition of daily fees
If the Client has chosen to cover the daily fees of suppliers on the project, you will be able to see this directly when you respond to the RFP. You will also be able to see the types of daily fees that will be covered.
There are two types of daily fees:
Fixed rate daily fees: The amount of the daily fees charged per day will remain fixed regardless of the number of working units declared by the supplier (e.g: the round trip between home and the workplace)
- Variables daily fees: The amount depends on the time worked by the supplier (e.g: equipment rental)
As a supplier, you will be able to enter the amount you wish to be charged for the daily fees when responding to the RFP. Then, when submitting your Activity Report (AR) each month, the number of Working units will have an impact on the daily fees charged.
Use daily fees
When responding to a Request for Proposal (RFP)
- Go to the RFPs tab and click on Search a RFP
- Select the RFP you wish to respond to
- On the page that will open, fill in the available fields to respond to the RFP
- If the Client has decided to cover all or part of the project's daily fees, then a Daily expenses section will be visible under the price's one. Please indicate the amount you wish to see covered for each type of daily fees mentioned
- Finally, when all the information is complete, click on Validate the proposal in the top right corner of your screen
When submitting your Activity Report (AR)
When submitting your Activity Report, you will see the amount of the daily fees indicated in the summary on the right of the screen.