Product update 10.16 (May)
This update of the LittleBig Connection platform is about the Request for Proposals (RFP) creation stage in the Client universe. It includes some functional improvements and some bug fixes.
Within this article
Functional improvements
For this product update, we have made various changing in some steps of the RFP creation form.
Choice of project location made easier for Time and materials RFPs
At the moment, within the Entity general settings, you can add multiple project locations when it is needed, (eg. France HQ - Street ABCD, and France Factory - Street EFGH in the same city) which can be set up within the Request for Proposals settings:
At the time to create a Time and materials RFP, on the section where you select the location of the project, only the address of each location is currently displayed, which may cause confusion.
With this update, when you, as an Operational manager, select the location, you will now be able to see the name set for each location.
The format for this will follow the one added in the Entity general settings: LocationTitle - LocationAddress. Example: France HQ - 1, rue de la Liberté, Paris, France
This is not the case for Fixed price RFPs, where you can already see the name set for the location in addition to the address of the location selected, and which will continue working as is.
Optional custom fields can be emptied
If the Custom fields premium feature is activated on your account, when Operational managers are creating a Time and materials RFP, they have the option to use some of them.
Custom fields are dictated by the buyer of the entity/account. |
Custom fields are either displayed as a free text field or a dropdown menu, and they can be mandatory or optional. For Custom fields with dropdown menus, it is as follows:
- Mandatory Custom fields : Need to select one of the options from the dropdown available
- Optional Custom fields: Until now, if an option had been selected by mistake, the Operational manager couldn't empty the field or deselect the option
With this new update, for the optional Custom fields with dropdown menu, if you accidentally select an incorrect option in the dropdown, you will now be able to correct it by clicking on the new X button, on the right of the field in order to empty it:
Besides, in the dropdown menu of an optional or a mandatory custom field, if the option displayed is more than 100 character-long, then the option will be cropped above that limit in order to fit the field length.
Modifications of the budget fields
In the Budget and duration step of a Time and materials RFP creation form, we have swapped the place of the Unit and the Estimated maximum budget fields.
We have also renamed the Unit field into Working unit (WU) and the Estimated maximum budget field into Price per WU in € excl. taxes.
Therefore, from now on, you will have the Working unit field on the left and the Price per WU in € excl. taxes field on the right.
Note that this does not affect the functionality of this page.
For the Fixed price RFP creation form, in the Budget and duration step as well, we have made similar changes. We have renamed the Estimated budget field into Working unit and the Estimated maximum budget field into Price per WU in € excl. taxes.
Bug fixes
Fixed - In the My need step of the Time and materials RFP creation form, the two illustrations should be swapped to better represent each option |
Fixed - In the Location step of the RFP creation form, the X button next to the project location chosen should empty the field so that the Operational manager can choose another location |
Fixed - In the Publication step of the RFP creation form (except for renewal RFP form), only Freelancers, Directors and Business managers (not Consultants) should be searchable and selectable in the Send to targeted recipients section |
Fixed - When viewing an RFP, the View this RFP validation workflow option should be removed from the action menu on the right, since there is a specific Publication workflow tab for the same action |
Fixed - When viewing the RFP grid page, the options in the action menu should be reorganized so they are displayed in a more logical order |