Product update 10.8.4 (January)
Within this article:
- Setup of the buyer automatized after selecting Spending line
- Adding 3 skills to RFP no longer mandatory
You have spoken and we have listened, in our latest update you will find that the process to create a new RFP has been simplified in the following ways:
• In step 1, the assignation of a buyer after selecting a spending line has been simplified
• Step 5 of the RFP process no longer requires the adding of a minimum of three (3) skills
Simplification of the Buyer set up after selecting a spending line
Whenever you as a client (Operational or Manager) are creating a new RFP, one of the first things required in Step 1 (Entity) in the Request for Proposals (RFP) form, is to set up a Spending line and identify the Buyer associated to it, who will be the corresponding Spending line Manager.
Most of the time, the selection of the Buyer is done by hand, and will chose from the main contact and their Deputy. Taking into account that in most cases the Buyer is the person selected (instead of the deputy buyer/substitute), the process has now been automatized for your convenience.
This means that from now on, whenever a spending line is selected, the RFP form will automatically retrieve the linked users and sets up the Spending line manager as the buyer.
Note that you are still able to set this up manually and make any changes needed prior to the publication of the RFP.
Adding 3 skills to the RFP is no longer mandatory
Until now, when you as a client were creating a new Request for Proposals, you were asked in stage 5 of the RFP process to provide a list of the skills expected, as well as the level required in those skills.
Due to feedback received, it was noticed that sometimes when users create new RFPs, there was a struggle when having to add the minimum of three skills in order to publish the RFP.
From now on it will no longer be mandatory to add the minimum three skills in order to publish your Request for proposals.
Hence, you will be able to add however little or many skills are most relevant to you, although please keep in mind that having at least three skills could be beneficial to you at the time of finding the right ressource for your needs.
You will be able to appreciate this change by the lack of validation tick in section five, which will no longer appear.